If g-d forbid somebody becomes terminally ill, they will most likely give up everything for a cure. Once they receive that cure, lets say their maximum life expectancy is 120 years. If one is willing to give up everything for a temporary life of 120 years, why not improve their ways in this world, to earn eternal life after 120 years.” After a friend of mine told me this when I was fresh out of college, I started to dig deeper. I have watched many lectures over the years, but it was the lectures below that answered many of my questions and gave me a great foundation into understanding why we are here. My hope is that these videos can benefit you even more than they benefited me. I recommend you watch these videos in the order listed below. Happy Watching!
For the Refuah Shlema of Mordechai Ben Sara

Video #1: Torah and Science

Growing up with a public school education, I had questions such as “Was the Torah really given by g-d?” or “Did the Rabbis make up these stories?” This lecture proved to me without a shadow of a doubt, that the Torah was given by g-d and g-d is the creator of the world. What made it so convincing were the modern day scientific proofs. The video has three parts to it, so I recommend you watch one part at a time. All Three parts are included in this one video.

For Shorter Teaser Video CLICK HERE

Video #2: Bible Codes

I remember when I was in high school, a friend of mine who is in Yeshiva told me that the twin towers attack was encrypted inside the Torah in the form of codes. I did not know what he was talking about or how that was even possible until I watched this lecture. I was actually at this lecture live and I was in awe when I saw how the twin towers attack, the holocaust and many other world events are in the torah code. This is such a phenomenon that the history channel also did a special on it. I have posted that video below for your reference as well.

For Shorter Teaser Video CLICK HERE

History Channel Special on Torah Codes Below

Video #3: Life after Death

Does Judaism believe in life after death? It sure does. Has anybody ever come back? Yes, plenty of people have come back. There is evidence all over the world. If you go into the net, which I don’t suggest you do, I suggest you learn Torah, but if you are on the net anyway, and you google NDE, (Near Death Experience), you will get all kinds of testimony from people all over the world. People that have had clinical death and experience clinical death, all say the same thing.” Said by Rabbi Lazer Brody in his lecture on Life after death. What happens after we leave this world? After I watched the videos below, not only did I have more clarity, but it helped me get rid of all the uneasy feelings I had before. In the first video, Rabbi Alon Anava goes over his near death experience and what happened to him when he was in the next world. Prior to his near death experience, he was an anti-religion atheist and now he’s a world renowned Rabbi. I also listed, Rabbi Mizrachi’s two part video, correlating real life near death experiences with what was written in our books 2000 years ago.

For Shorter Teaser Video CLICK HERE


Rabbi Alon Anava Near Death Experience

Life after Death by Rabbi Mizrachi

Video #4: Purpose Of Life

It is really unbelievable how so many of us live an everyday life, not knowing exactly why we were put in this world. This video helps answer all of that.

For Shorter Teaser Video CLICK HERE

Video #5: Do you have Insurance?

We tend to insure all that is meaningful to us, whether it be our homes, cars, phones, or lives. Do we ever stop and think if we are insuring our life after we leave this world?

Video #6: Shabbat

The eternal covenant between g-d and the Jewish people. I was never aware of the joy of keeping Shabbat, until I started to become observant. I did not grow up being Shomer Shabbat, but now I would not be able to be without it. I did not know the importance of it either. This short video below sheds good light on the eternal covenant of Shabbat.